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Teacher Training Retreat Level 1
24/08/2023 - 31/08/2023

ISK: 315.000 (Fee may be subject to change due to currency change or other unforeseen cost and minimum participation requirements are 12 people) Venue: Sólheimar

Trainers: Eluned

About the training


This intensive, entry-level, mindfulness-based teacher training is considered to be the highest standard of training available. It has been developed, refined and delivered since 2002 and taught by some of the most experienced mindfulness-based teachers in Europe. Approximately 50% of all UK mindfulness-based teachers have been trained by the Centre for Mindfulness, Research and Practice (CMRP) and teachers from all over the world choose to attend this programme, which is now delivered in collaboration with The Mindfulness Network.

This programme is designed to immerse participants in the principles and practice of mindfulness-based teaching. It starts from the premise that as teachers we need to embody mindfulness-based practice in our own lives before we can attempt to teach it to others. The programme facilitates an opportunity for sustained inner work through practice and learning alongside peers. It is designed to be a collaborative and participatory learning experience.

The training primarily focuses on the teaching process and curriculum of the group-based, eight-week Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) programmes. The underpinning experience and understanding is also valuable for those who wish to integrate mindfulness into individual therapeutic work or teach mindfulness in a different form.

On TTR1, you will learn to teach the Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) curriculum. The foundational skills, approach and practices that you learn are common to both MBSR and MBCT.

This training offers you an opportunity to learn and practise:

  • embodiment

  • inquiry

  • guiding practices

  • professional good practice

TTR1 is experienced in a retreat environment to develop and support the deepening of your personal mindfulness practice. During the week there will be regular periods of silence and a silent led practice day.

Format of the day:

  • early morning movement and sitting practice

  • MBSR key curriculum components taught to group as course participants (Mornings)

  • Teach-back Sessions (afternoons) – guiding sections of core mindfulness-based practices and practising inquiry skills in small peer groups

  • taught didactic sessions on key theoretical underpinning

  • reflective discussion in homepeer group with tutor

  • personal journaling to embed learning

  • evening sessions based on practice and reflection

The intention is to create: a group process that feels safe and trustworthy; an open, spacious learning environment that encourages spontaneity and creativity; and structured learning.

Learning outcomes:

Teaching skills:

By the end of the training, participants will have:

  • practised and developed skills and understanding in guiding mindfulness-based practices and the inquiry process that follows the practice

  • experienced the curriculum and themes of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as the basis of all Mindfulness-Based Programmes (MBP)

  • developed an understanding of the ways of learning and teaching within Mindfulness-Based Programmes, including:

    • teaching out of one’s own direct embodied experience

    • bringing Investigation/exploration/inquiry/curiosity to the learning process

Personal practice:

By the end of the training participants will have:

  • developed a grounded understanding of mindfulness as an approach cultivated through on-going personal awareness, in both formal and informal everyday practice, in silence and in dialogue.

  • explored the value of mindfulness-based practice as a way of relating to difficulty

  • experienced being part of a practice community with a sense of common purpose

Theory and professional issues:

By the end of the training participants will learn about:

  • the origins and context of mindfulness in contemporary settings

  • the central importance of a commitment to a sustained path of personal development and practice

  • the process of assessment and orientation as a vital part of the delivery of mindfulness courses

  • the importance of committing to personal/professional supervision and self care for mindfulness teachers

  • some of the ethical issues which arise in this work


Please note that participants must commit to the entire training. Because this course is residential, all participants will need to stay at the venue during the day and overnight for the duration of the course.


After completion of the TTR1 retreat:

One of our priorities is to establish high standards for teacher training and development. This programme is designed to begin the process of training to be a teacher of mindfulness-based approaches. Participants come to this programme with varying skills and experience and levels of practice. Inevitably, not everyone will be ready to begin to teach on completion of this programme. Further development may be required. At the end of the week, there is an opportunity to discuss this and other matters in a one-to-one meeting with one of the programme tutors. This can be a helpful way to reflect on next steps and to review your learning and development needs after your TTR1.

Pre-requisites for attending:

  • Completion of a group-based, eight-week MBCT/MBSR course or, a CMRP/MN nine-week distance learning MBSR programme.

  • Commitment to an ongoing daily personal mindfulness-based practice, based on MBSR/MBCT practice

About the trainers:

Our trainers are all members of the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) training team. All have been extensively trained in this approach and engage in a rigorous ongoing process of training and supervision. We use strict criteria when selecting teachers/trainers to work with us. The name of the specific trainer(s) for this event is at the top of this page. Just click on the trainer name to find out more about him/her.




Contact us if you need any further information or

if you would like to register for the course



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